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Success stories

Tomáš Kubica
Tomáš Kubica
Bachelor of Business Administration, class of 2007
Associate at Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR)
"One of the biggest advantages of studying at the University of New York in Prague is that the top 20% of students are far more skilled in teamwork and presentation, and possess more confidence and drive than their counterparts at state universities. Many want to go abroad and are aware they have to work very hard to achieve this. You must decide if you wish to join them."
Mladen Grebo
Mladen Grebo
Bachelor of Communication & Mass Media, class of 2004
Partner, Strategic Planner at Goodkin
"When you have more diverse people, the environment suddenly becomes livelier, and this generates a lot of new ideas. If you have only one nationality, everything tends to be stereotypical. UNYP is a good place to experience diversity; you get enriched by other cultures, other habits and points of view. When you put all that together, you become much more cultured, and you have a much broader worldview. Everybody should experience this at some point in their life. Because once you have the broader picture, you embrace the good and don’t fear the bad."
Dominika Janigova
Dominika Janigova
Master of Professional Communication and Public Relations, Class 2010
Bachelor of Communication and Mass Media
PR and Booking agent of Ondrej Pivec
"The study process turned out exactly how I had hoped: open discussions, group projects, challenging tasks, all in English, friendly professors and an overall positive, creative vibe."
Martin Trepáč
Martin Trepáč
MBA in Marketing, class of 2012
Director Marketing CZ & SK, Philip Morris CR a.s.
"I realized early enough to listen or accept others’ opinions, while I was improving my education by studying in the MBA program at UNYP. In my classes, I met students who worked in different industries and realized that even though marketing is mainly about intuition and common sense, if you spend a great deal of time in one field, it influences the way you think. But by including the opinions of others you open the door for your career development and personal growth."
Anton Kozych
Anton Kozych
MBA General Management (2009-2011)
Investment Committee Member at REIT-CZ
"Coming to Prague as a foreigner, I saw an MBA program at UNYP as an excellent opportunity for making local and international connections, and some of them grew into serious friendships."

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

ID no: 25676598
Phone: +420 224 221 261   Skype

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