UNYP Students Volunteer to Deliver English Lessons for Visually Impaired Children

The University of New York in Prague (UNYP) is proud to announce its new partnership with the Specialized Elementary School for Visually Impaired in Náměstí Míru, Prague 2. This collaboration, initiated in 2023, enables our Psychology Bachelor students to engage in a meaningful community service by leading English Club lessons for visually impaired children at the school. Further information about the school can be found at www.skolazrak.cz.

This initiative was made possible through the efforts of the UNYP Career Office, led by Mr. Jan Kroutil, in cooperation with Ms. Talar Agopian, an instructor at the UNYP School of Psychology. The partnership was cemented following an initial visit by UNYP students to the school, where they observed the educational environment and needs of the students.

The English Club, launched three weeks ago at the end of October, has seen a series of successful classes. So far, five classes have been conducted, each lasting an hour and scheduled twice a week. Typically, each class is taught by three UNYP students and attended by nine pupils from the school.

The school’s Deputy Director has expressed high praise for the program, noting, “The response from the children is excellent, they want to continue. We have also received positive reactions from some parents.”

The response from UNYP students has been overwhelming, with about 20 expressing interest in volunteering. In response to this enthusiasm, the school has arranged for each interested student to have the opportunity to lead a class at least once before the end of the Fall 2023 semester.

This initiative not only enriches the educational experience of the visually impaired children but also provides valuable teaching experience to our students, embodying UNYP’s commitment to community engagement and inclusive education.

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ID no: 25676598
Phone: +420 224 221 261
Email: unyp@unyp.cz

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