Student Life

Prague ranked in the Campus Advisor’s Top Ten Student-Friendly Cities

The Campus Advisor has recently published an article ranking the top thirty most student-friendly cities in the world. According to the survey, Prague is in seventh place, with an overall score of 4.40 out of 5. What makes a city attractive to international students? The survey scored university cities on six criteria: Student Friendliness (4.74), […]

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Why Do We Tend to Procrastinate?

Procrastination is a familiar phenomenon for many students. The Cambridge Dictionary defines procrastination as “to keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring” (Cambridge Dictionary). Procrastination and laziness are two different terms, and they do not have much in common.  Procrastination seems like an irrational act, because postponing things that have […]

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Five Vegan Places around UNYP

At UNYP, we are proud of our diversity. Our students and faculty come from many countries, and they have different styles, music tastes, and food preferences. In this article, we take a look at five vegan places in the neighborhood – although you don’t have to be vegan to enjoy plant-based food, and it’s always […]

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Not enough snow in Prague? Let’s take a look at some Czech mountains!

Unfortunately, Prague sees very little snow during the winter months, so Czechs go to the mountains to enjoy their favorite sports such as skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating. Therefore, we would like to introduce you to the mountains in the Czech Republic that you can visit. Exploring the Czech mountains is a perfect outdoor activity […]

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Five Tips to Improve Your Learning Productivity

Learning is a fundamental part of the education process, and learning through life experiences is simply part of being human. You will have noticed that it is far easier to learn the lyrics of a song than fifteen pages of Business Management. This can be explained by psychological and biological theories; the human brain finds some […]

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UNYP SC Organized the first Club Fair in 2022

On Friday, February 4th a Club Fair took place in the UNYP Auditorium. This was an event organized by the Student Council and their Clubs Coordinator specifically for students to meet and talk to club representatives and sign up for clubs and teams. Students also received information about how to create a new club about upcoming […]

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Spring Semester Invites the Spirit of Hope

As we embark upon spring semester, let us remember the power of hope, as embodied in the dormant blossoms that will open their petals as soon as the season and warm weather allow.  Particularly during this challenging time, we need a valuable tool to uplift our spirits and motivate our minds. We could view hope […]

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Five Strategies to Become a More Creative Thinker: When you want to be or do more than average

How many of us believe that creativity is the exclusive domain of artists, politicians, planners, and other people who need to be able to create solutions, sometimes fairly quickly? On the other hand, Rod Judkins ( suggests that creativity is for everyone, regardless of position or responsibility. Pursuant to this suggestion, he offers five ways […]

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Student Spotlight: Kim Ly Tran

The people who surround you influence your mindset and behavior greatly. As a result, spending time with successful, driven or motivated people can make you more successful, driven and motivated yourself. This is one of the most important benefits of studying at UNYP: not only will you meet classmates from over 60 countries, exposing yourself to […]

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How to Prioritize!

(Especially wheneverythingseems to be Priority 1) Here’s one that almost all of us have faced at one time or another: A mass of work or projects to accomplish, limited time available, and every task and every project pushing to be Priority 1! As the work stacks up and we get farther and farther behind, the […]

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