A genuine American university experience in the heart of Europe
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Příběhy úspěšných

Steven Trottier
Steven Trottier
M.Sc. in International Management, class of 2018
Director of temporary recruitment, TAG Recruitment Group
"During my studies at UNYP, I had a chance to meet and befriend people from all over the world. Even in our relatively small class, we had representatives from almost every continent!"
Nela Sotonová
Nela Sotonová
Bachelor of Business Administration, class of 2010
Project Manager at Komerční banka & Founder of Designeros
"Learning in English was a valuable asset for me while studying for my bachelor’s degree. Ultimately, the English proficiency that I gained at UNYP helped me to earn my MBA at FIU in the United States. However, the presentation skills that I acquired helped me the most. We wrote a lot of essays at UNYP, and now, I am able to write articles and emails in English without thinking about them too much."
Petr Zima
Petr Zima
Bachelor of Business Administration, class of 2003
Head of MINI at BMW Group Czech Republic
"I really appreciated that University of New York in Prague provided a well-balanced mix of scholars and top professionals in its faculty,"
Amit Grinvald
Amit Grinvald
Bachelor of Business Administration, Class of 2016
Head of Accounting and Operations at Keastone
"Many UNYP professors are not just academics; they run businesses and companies and have extensive networks of their previous students in their respective industries."
Ladislav Čapek
Ladislav Čapek
MBA, class of 2010
Founder of Geosense
"In public universities, I feel that students put less emphasis on the quality of education, whereas it seems more important for students in private schools. The teachers were incredibly important at UNYP. In fact, Professor Varley was the greatest teacher I ever had. "

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

IČ: 25676598
Telefon: +420 224 221 261   Skype

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