A genuine American university experience in the heart of Europe
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Příběhy úspěšných

Martin Pavlíček
Martin Pavlíček
MBA v oboru Marketing, ročník 2012
Senior PR Director, Havas Worldwide Prague
”Jednou z největších deviz studia na University of New York v Praze je navázání kontaktů a „vzájemně prospěšných vztahů“. A to…
João Duarte
João Duarte
MBA in Entrepreneurship, class of 2015
CEO at & Co-Founder at Hagen Human Capital
"Highly experienced faculty as one of UNYP’s most valuable assets, particularly many of the professors’ extensive industry background, meaning they can bring not just theoretical knowledge but plenty of practical experience as well."
Steven Trottier
Steven Trottier
M.Sc. in International Management, class of 2018
Director of temporary recruitment, TAG Recruitment Group
"During my studies at UNYP, I had a chance to meet and befriend people from all over the world. Even in our relatively small class, we had representatives from almost every continent!"
Alexander Raiman
Alexander Raiman
Bachelor of Business Administration, class of 2008
Chief Operating Officer, Keastone
Alex Raiman joined Keastone January 1st 2016 as COO, to build out international business operations for the team and support the next round…
Ondrej Papez
Ondrej Papez
Bachelor of International Relations, class of 2018 and Master of Science in International Management, class of 2019
Consultant at InfaPartner
"Thanks to UNYP’s American education system, I was able to take more business-related courses and modules. Shortly after finishing the mandatory courses, I shifted my focus towards business administration and marketing management—I found these courses to be much more relevant to what I was already doing professionally outside school. I received a lot of practical information"

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

IČ: 25676598
Telefon: +420 224 221 261   Skype

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