Dear Students: Please stop writing papers on (insert generation here)

Auguste Comte (1798-1857) theorized that a new generation arises every 30 years. Other sociologists would slightly vary the timespan (15-30 years) but maintain the basic theory. The intention behind determining the length of a generation was often to devise a framework for cleanly dividing society into generational categories, in order to better understand cultural, political […]

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Renesance pro studentské spolky

Po hektickém akademickém roce, ve kterém se studenti, učitelé i zaměstnanci UNYPu usilovně snažili napodobit běžné činnosti, které udávají život na University of New York in Prague, je čas hledět do budoucnosti s optimismem. Všichni doufáme, že podzim 2021 bude znamenat začátek návratu k naší milované rutině, protože si s sebou přineseme nové zkušenosti ze […]

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UNYP začne pro své studenty vydávat diplomy i v rámci blockchain technologie

University of New York in Prague se stane první soukromou univerzitou v České republice, která začne vydávat vysokoškolské diplomy v rámci blockchain technologie. Je to výsledek neustále snahy přinášet do vzdělávání inovace a nejnovější technologie. První blockchain diplomy obdrží už letos v červnu absolventi roku 2021.  Je pochopitelné, že někteří z nás zatím nemají s […]

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TOP 3 nominace na Absolventa roku

University of New York in Prague byla vždy na svoje absolventy neuvěřitelně pyšná. Každý rok oslavujeme jejich úspěchy a oceňujeme naše absolventky a absolventy cenou Alumni of the Year. Naše komunita čítající více než 3 000 absolventů významně ovlivnila byznys, politiku, vědu i veřejný život po celém světě. Absolventi UNYPu mění svět k lepšímu a UNYP […]

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UNYP pořádal druhý webinář týkající se problematiky fake news a dezinformací

On Wednesday, May 19th, the University of New York in Prague held its second public online event. The webinar focused on helping the public understand what is behind Fake News and misinformation in media. This webinar was hosted by Dr. Todd Nesbitt, the Dean of School of Communication and Media, and Mr. Martin Pavlíček, Managing […]

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Become a better photographer during your UNYP summer break

The spring semester at UNYP is over, and you have a few months to enjoy life outside university. Those precious summer days will fly past unnoticed if all you do is sleep and stay in watching Netflix, so take advantage of the warmer weather to get out and start taking photos.   A student guide to […]

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Eighth International Student Research Conference

The International Student Research Conference is an annual event that has been taking place since 2012, organized by the School of Psychology at the University of New York in Prague. Students from UNYP, Empire State College, and beyond are invited to present their original research to a panel of experts as well as attendees from […]

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Student Spotlight: Adam Musil

Juggling an active professional career with university study is a challenging and admirable way of life. You might recognize our student Adam Musil in quite a different context – while Adam has just completed his first year at UNYP studying Business Administration with a concentration in Finance, he is also a professional hockey player for Bilí […]

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6 Mental Barriers We Must Tear Down to Succeed

“The world has few obstacles as formidable as the ones in our own mind.” Timothy Sykes Imagine the scene: You’ve been working relentlessly to be successful in your endeavors, but you’re frustrated by the fact that no matter what you do, things constantly go wrong. You think you’ve been doing all the right things, and you’ve […]

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UNYP collaborates with students and partners to launch new TikTok profile

UNYP strives for constant innovation with its marketing activities and promotions, a mindset that is transmitted to students in programs such as Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing or Communication & Media. Staying up-to-date with marketing strategies is a must for survival in a market as competitive as education – what worked a few months ago might […]

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