UNYP has the giving spirit in February

UNYP went full force into the new year in a giving spirit!  Having closed two high school competitions and also an IT donation to a local elementary school.  On February 9th, one lucky high school received the ceremonial cheque for their big win of the annual UNYP Prom Photo Competition for 25.000, CZK!  The winners were from […]

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Eva Anderová se stala Viceprezidentem na University of New York in Prague

University of New York in Prague (UNYP) hrdě přivítala nového člena výkonného vedení, Ing. Evu Anderovou. Eva Anderová bude na univerzitě zastávat pozici Viceprezidenta pro veřejné záležitosti. Její hlavní iniciativou bude přenést pozornost médií a veřejného sektoru na záležitosti týkající se vysokoškolského vzdělání a soukromých vysokých škol za účelem porozumění tomu, jak UNYP a vzdělávání […]

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We want to hear from you!

We are dedicated to bringing you the best and most interesting news about University of New York in Prague. Now, we want to hear from you! What do you like hearing about the most? Do you want stories about former students, or are you just interested in upcoming events? Take 3 minutes to fill out […]

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The secrets of great presentations

We’ve all been there – the captive audience of a presenter who shows a long Powerpoint presentation, reads from hundreds of slides and at the end hauls out the classic phrase “I hope you don’t feel tired…!” This is invariably the same presenter who started the presentation with the dread words “I will try to […]

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UNYP joins European Youth Parliament CZ

A platform to discuss current issues, a place to find friends for life, the perfect environment to develop yourself and to prepare for your future job and all kinds of life situations – these are just a few ways to describe the European Youth Parliament (EYP). EYP is hard to describe in a single phrase or sentence, […]

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Say “Yes” First – Think About it Later

A quiet, eager man known as Professor Bowman once told me — a fidgety sophomore petrified by my fear of failure or humiliation – that I should always “Say ‘yes’ first, and think about it later”. He said this was the way to face new opportunities about which I was unsure or potentially underqualified to […]

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Scenes from Fall Semester, 2017

We’ve made some great memories so far this academic year. We teamed up with Sparta Praha floorball team with an official partnership. We hosted an amazing reunion for our alumni and feature global leaders at TEDxUNYP. We welcomed new students to our campus, won some games with the Blazers, and so much more. Watch our highlights video for […]

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Become an exchange student and study abroad all over the world

Most students who study abroad will tell you that a semester in another country was one of the best decisions they ever made during their time at university. Not only does studying abroad help your educational experience, it also means you’ll be seeing beautiful new places and meeting new friends from all over the world! University of […]

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Jak získat dobrou práci po promoci

Pro Petara Buhu, studium v Praze splnilo jeho dlouholeté sny. Čech s chorvatskými kořeny se narodil v Praze, ale do školy chodil v malém chorvatském městečku. Od svého odjezdu do Chorvatska se vždy chtěl vrátit do Prahy a nakonec to udělal, když se přihlásil ke studiu na University of New York in Prague. Poté co získal na UNYP v roce 2014 […]

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Succession planning: the paradox of control and power

If you are the founder of a successful company, you are likely to have built up power and control in your company for over 20 years, with everyone around you relying on your decisions. For an entrepreneur, having power means having a sense of control, choice and the ability to influence, and it is a […]

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Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

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E-mail: unyp@unyp.cz

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