10 ways to manage successful living

How often have you found that you have 28 hours worth of tasks to accomplish in a day, but only the standard 24 hours available?  Do you sometimes wish there were two of you?  Do you sometimes find yourself „short-changing“ your tasks, putting in only minimal effort just to get them done, even though you […]

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Translation gap between media and science

While traveling to work these days on the metro in Prague, I observe rows of heads slightly tilted downward, gazing at mobile devices. The information emanating from these machines includes valuable real-time information, entertainment and erroneous tales that have been culled from existing data to satisfy some entity’s agenda. So-called “fake news” has become a […]

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Co dělat po promoci – magisterské studium nebo práce?

Studium máte za sebou. Složili jste státní zkoušky a vaše diplomová práce byla úspěšná. Teď stojíte před těžkým rozhodnutím. Měli byste pokračovat v magisterském studiu nebo byste měli nastoupit do práce? Toto rozhodnutí určitě není lehké a závisí na několika okolnostech, včetně toho, co plánuje po studiu. Aby jsme vám pomohli tuto situaci vyřešit, tady je několik […]

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Europe’s best student discounts

The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is reason enough to study abroad in Europe. The ISIC card is usually issued with your regular student ID, but it is the only internationally recognized student ID card, which means you get access to 42,000 discounts in 125 different countries. This includes discounts on restaurants, travel, accommodation, entertainment, and much more! […]

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Two UNYPers among European leaders

In October Brussels, the nest of many international and European communities, hosted two University of New York in Prague (UNYP) students, Jakub Malhocký and Daniel Frídel, for the 4th annual Young European Council (YEC). Both students are majoring in the International & Economic Relations program. UNYP takes pride in students’ extracurricular scholarship-related activities thus Jakub and […]

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Write well, think better

“Who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge?” roared the troll. “It is I! The Big Billy Goat Gruff!” In the children’s tale The Three Billy Goats Gruff, three brother goats must cross a bridge under which a terrifying troll lurks. Each goat in turn, from smallest to largest, crosses the bridge and is subsequently threatened by […]

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MUNYP goes big in 2017/8

The previous Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, once advised the delegates at the Young Atlanticist Summit to: “take ownership of tomorrow, strengthen capacity, widen vision as global citizens.”[1]  Model United Nations conferences give young people exactly this opportunity – to experience UN-style debates, meet with other bright individuals (who may become, or perhaps already are, the movers […]

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How to perfect Google Scholar Searches

With November nearing its end, essay season is drawing closer for university students. While there’s no quick fix for struggling writers – and certainly no substitute for great ideas and intriguing arguments – there are plenty of tools available to help everyone write better papers. One tool in particular should be in every researcher’s toolkit. […]

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Jak skloubit práci a magisterské nebo MBA studium

Rozhodli jste se posunout vaši kariéru dál a vrátit se na univerzitu, abyste získali magisterské vzdělání nebo titul MBA? Možná jste právě dokončili bakalářské studium a pokračujete dál, ale přitom si moc dobře uvědomujete, jak důležité je sesbírat i pracovní zkušenosti. Bez ohledu na to, jakou cestu jste zvolili, teď když vám začali přednášky, musíte stihnout odevzdat seminární práce, studovat […]

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Vyhraj 25 000 Kč na svůj maturitní ples. Stačí jedna fotka!

Ještě dříve než se dostaví k maturitě, studenti středních škol čelí důležité společenské zkoušce – maturitnímu plesu. Před zraky svých rodičů, spolužáků a učitelů mají udělat první krok k dospělosti. To ale neznamená, že se maturitní večírek nemůže proměnit ve skvělou párty!  Proto chce University of New York in Prague přispět 25 000 Kč jedné šťastné škole na jejich maturitní […]

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E-mail: unyp@unyp.cz

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