Study at an American university in Prague

Has the global situation forced you to change your education plans? Are you reconsidering plans to study in the US or UK? With all the travel restrictions and the severity of the situation in the United States, you might want to look into other options for receiving an authentic American education without leaving the Czech Republic. The University of New York in Prague (UNYP) is an excellent alternative in the heart of Europe. We offer American Bachelor’s degrees in cooperation with the State University of New York – Empire State College. 

At the moment, the Czech Republic is one of the safest countries in Europe, with the lowest risk of infection. The Czech government was able to mount a highly successful coronavirus response by taking urgent lockdown measures earlier than many other European countries. A recently-published study shows that only a very small part of the population of the Czech Republic has tested positive for Covid-19.

State University of New York – an authentic American education in the Czech Republic!

Students who follow UNYP’s American programs will get the same degree as the students who follow the State University of New York programs in the US. When the time is right, UNYP students have the opportunity to transfer their studies in the US if they wish to continue working towards their degrees there. Additionally, UNYP is a member of the Erasmus+ program, which means that you can study up to two semesters abroad in more than 40 locations around the world in Europe, Asia, North and South America.      

UNYP aims to go the extra mile for our students

At the University of New York in Prague, we want you to succeed – and our university provides numerous resources to help you adjust to student life and maximize your higher education experience. We offer our students a wealth of learning resources outside the classroom, including a newly-renovated library with over 17,000 books, Prague’s most modern multisport facility – the UNYP Arena, a Writing Lab with professional English-language academic writing instructors, and a dedicated Career Office that is committed to UNYP students and alumni, long after their graduation. 

What are the benefits of studying in English in the Czech Republic? 

If you want to work at an international company, a university degree that shows you have studied in English will be a big help, giving you a professional edge that can boost your career and enhance your personal life as well. English is used in conference calls and business meetings, as well as most media. If you want to know how to negotiate with clients, run effective meetings, and pitch ideas to potential buyers, mastering the language will give you a professional advantage that could put you streets ahead of your colleagues when it is time for promotion.

Máte dotaz? Chcete podat přihlášku?

Náši poradci pro přijímací řízení vám rádi zodpoví vaše dotazy nebo pomohou s vyplněním přihlášky! Kontaktujte nás, pokud potřebujete poradit s výběrem programu nebo pokud máte jakýkoliv jiný dotaz. Rádi vám také zařídíme návštěvu našeho kampusu, setkání s našimi studenty a profesory či návštěvu jedné z našich přednášek. Nebo se můžete na jeden den stát studentem UNYP!

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University of New York in Prague
Londýnská 41, 120 00 Praha

IČ: 25676598
Telefon: +420 224 221 261   Skype

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